Magical Woodland Christmas Collection
This magical woodland themed collection of cards and wrapping paper feature the wonderful animals who reside in the magical Singing Fern Forest. Owls, mice, foxes, bears... all celebrating the festive season together.

Spring Inspiration
Being inspired by seeing nature up close in our wildlife garden.

Finding Noelle
During the run up to Christmas last year I took part in a festive art challenge created by the art agent Jehane Boden Spiers from Jehane Ltd. It was called Jehane’s Twelve Days of Christmas and Jehane provided a list of inspiring Christmas prompts for everyone to use to create Holiday artwork throughout December.

The Kind Moon
I have always been inspired by folktales and fairytales and I have quite an extensive collection of books on the subject I have collected over the years. Many of them are so rich with detail and are hauntingly poignant, they linger with you.

Free Fish Sampler Embroidery Pattern
To celebrate the launch of my very first Embroidery PDF Patterns now available in my shop, I thought it would be nice to create a special stitchy gift for my newsletter subscribers.

Embroidery Tinting - Adding colour to your embroidery
Embroidery tinting is the name given to the technique of adding additional colour to your embroidered work by using paint, crayons, etc. I have used this method a lot over the years and it is a lovely way to add another dimension to your work and experiment with materials.

Finding Inspiration
One of the subjects I wanted to share with you today was inspiration and shed some light on my approach. If you already follow my instagram account you will be aware I have a deep fondness for anything vintage, particularly textiles and books.

Caring Colouring Two
Today I wanted to tell you about a really special project I was lucky to be involved in recently.
Caring Colouring Volume 2, is a charity colouring book created by Jehane Ltd with 100% of the profits going to the Sea Change Project. The Sea Change Project is a collective of scientists, film-makers, journalists and story-tellers who are actively working to save the endangered sea-kelp forests off the coast of Africa.

Printable Hedgehog Writing Set
I thought I would create a writing set that could be printed off at home and used anytime of the year. I tried to keep it gender neutral so thought my latest illustrations of hedgehogs, toadstools and birds would be perfect.

My Design Process(Part Two)
If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen I completed my Rococo Spoonflower challenge entry. Last time I showed you my research and sketches so now I'll show you the rest of the process.

My Design Process(Part One)
I get quite a lot of questions about my working process so I thought it would nice to show you how I approach a design and from start to finish.So this will be the first part.

Stay Home Printable Art
I created my own front cover of my own imaginary book The Stay Home Book (that is a lot of make believe;D) So there is a printable art print for you to print off and display but I also thought a colouring sheet would be quite fun.

Flora Paper Doll
I created a downloadable pretty paper doll called Flora Fairy. She’s super simple to make and is free.The best thing about Flora is she looks pretty sitting on the Christmas tree now but would look beautiful hanging up after Christmas in a window or even a frame. And as she is a printable; you can make a whole family of Flora’s!

Welcome & Introductions
Hello there and welcome to my brand new blog. As you have probably guessed my name is Cassandra Riley and if you're here you probably have already seen that I love to create. I'm always curious to know how other creatives have found their way to where they are presently as it can often be a long and sometimes unplanned journey. It can provide others with hope or a sense of familiarity to hear a person's tale so I thought I would give a (sort of) short account of my journey so far.