Caring Colouring Two
Today I wanted to tell you about a really special project I was lucky to be involved in recently.
Caring Colouring Volume 2, is a charity colouring book created by Jehane Ltd with 100% of the profits going to the Sea Change Project. The Sea Change Project is a collective of scientists, film-makers, journalists and story-tellers who are actively working to save the endangered sea-kelp forests off the coast of Africa.

Printable Hedgehog Writing Set
I thought I would create a writing set that could be printed off at home and used anytime of the year. I tried to keep it gender neutral so thought my latest illustrations of hedgehogs, toadstools and birds would be perfect.

Stay Home Printable Art
I created my own front cover of my own imaginary book The Stay Home Book (that is a lot of make believe;D) So there is a printable art print for you to print off and display but I also thought a colouring sheet would be quite fun.

Flora Paper Doll
I created a downloadable pretty paper doll called Flora Fairy. She’s super simple to make and is free.The best thing about Flora is she looks pretty sitting on the Christmas tree now but would look beautiful hanging up after Christmas in a window or even a frame. And as she is a printable; you can make a whole family of Flora’s!